At the Goede Herderschool we offer education for new arrivals in special language classes.
We offer these language classes to children aged 6 through 12 who have recently moved to the Netherlands.
We also offer education for toddlers. In the language classes we teach Dutch. The goal is to prepare the children in such a way so that they can move on to attend regular schools in the Netherlands.
Suggestion and growth
We aim to teach the children how to read, speak and write Dutch as well as possible. We also think that it is important that the children can play alongside with other children and function in Dutch society as a whole. Therefore, in our education, we will pay attention to the development of the child in a broader sense. We will also teach the children about Dutch culture. On top of this, we offer math and physical education.
In order to ensure that the children receive quality education at their own level we will test the children at the start of the program and after that every 13 weeks. This will give the teachers guidelines to make sure that the level of education is fit for the child. It will also help to find a fitting school when the child is ready to attend a regular Dutch school.
A maximum of fifteen pupils in each international class is allowed. The school has a capacity for thirty pupils.
We specialise in teaching the children Dutch so that they can join a regular Dutch class after 40 weeks. In the case of additional educational support we unfortunately can’t accept a pupil.
For enrollment or other questions, we ask you to contact
Marleen Thijssen.
010 418 95 79
Postbus 33141
3005 EC Rotterdam
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